Nearly one month ago, my law girls came to JOHOR BAHRU (the infamous city of crime which is also basically where i live wtf) to kill time of the holidays (or get themselves killed by any chances).
Their parents must have experienced through a few nights of restless and anxiety for sending their daughters here, especially when the crime rates have gone up in a tremendous scale around the period. Fortunately, they're safe and sound when they returned. Phewww.
Anyway, i was really looking forward to their arrival, counting the days and working on the schedule and food tour. But there's really nothing much we can do in JB except all kinds of eating and shopping.
JB, Y U NO FUN like Justin Bieber???
But just like the cliché goes, it's the company that matters. =D
i guess we did have a good time
together, coz i start missing them so badly that i actually want to go back to
Unisza earlier now wtf. i know, i can't believe me saying this either, it's
Let's plan for a trip again please!!!!!! Somewhere beautiful and free of crimes HAHAHAHHA!
Joyce, who is also a Johorean from Kulai, & I decided to bring them to Johor Premium Outlet (JPO) to see stuff that we
couldn't afford lol.
But i thought this is a place worth visiting, at least once in a lifetime, so they can go back and brag about it to their friends wtf. And i made Peishin and Xuanying trying bikinis at ROXY for
the first time hahahah!! It was so memorable! i just can't put their boobs and asses outta my mind LOLOL!
The tourists
who love fountain so much hahah!
And we have dinner at Uncle Jang. Lookie Joyce's
expression, so cute!
(Note: i cropped xuanying's face outta here coz her
expression is sorta otherwise LOL, and it's really challenging for me to
Put a fake smile while cursing the guy to serve us faster!!!!
i love Ramen the most!!! *drooling*
Pikshan trying hard to eat like a lady aka shu nv, which she failed, ofcos.
And we rushed into Giant right after dinner to buy some stuff for picnic tomoro!
i remember we spent alot of time struggling on how to pick a honeydew and we ended up buying a bad one (after choosing for so long FOL). We knew this the next morning when i almost wrecked Joyce's knife by chopping the damn honeydew. It's hard like a stone wtf.
And we have durians (lol gluttons like us) nearby Sutera Mall.
The simple breakfast we prepared for the picnic in Desaru! The awful hard-like-stone honeydew, delicious sandwiches we made sleepily before the dawn lol, some snacks (owh my favourite Teddy butter cookies!) and beverages.
i refuse to open my eyes because they were swollen in the morning!
Look at the happiness in her face: I LOVE FOOD!
PeiShin said she never had picnic in a morning like this. But i'm like WHY NOT?
i love morning sunlights, i love the quietness in the morning like i own the entire beach, i love the chill in the air, or to make it simple, i love everything in morning!
love this picture! Should have bent my knees damn it!
Then we 依依不舍地踏上归途 lol.
Yes i didn't bring any extra clothes. This is really stupid. To tell you the truth, i was actually wearing the wet underpant wtf. Luckily Joyce has a sweater because i didn't wear a bra too. =X
They're here! Hahahhaah!!
And we have awesome Bah Kut Teh at Kota Tinggi! 强记肉骨茶!
Our special guest, RuXin! Thank you for bringing us here!!! She just had bah kut teh with her brother earlier but she still came to meet us for second round! Super gan dong!! ^___^
Tired face and my teeth so white!
Outfit of the day.

i don't know how on earth we still have the energy to sing for another 4 hours after having a wild morning in desaru. In fact, we danced non-stop too! Hahahah!! This is really crazy and incredible!
My little lovely Joyce.
My pretty Fatimah.
Dinner at 香港仔. i'm glad that they all enjoyed the food, because i do!
And then we have supper at U Dessert, which is another my favourite place. They love the durian pancake the most!
The next day, we went to The Roost Cafe. As you can see, i'm getting lazy to describe now. So just let the photos do the talking k!
Nice fresh juices but abit pricey!
Bye! See you guys in hell land soon!
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