So i went Cameron Highland!!! Again.
i couldn't recall when was the last time i've been there but mum insisted that i've been there so i would just go along with her. "Yes, this is my second time to Cameron Highland" and i was completely clueless about how does the highland look like.
You see, my parents prefer to bring us around during our infancy just to make sure we won't remember any shits when we grow up. =__=''
This time, i went with a FAT uncle whose name and face will not be revealed here lol.
It takes more than 6 hours for us to reach cameron highland. There are two roads leading up to Cameron Highland and we chose the safer one (according to him) via Simpang Pulai. The whole twist and turn journey roughly takes one hour to reach Cameron Highland! Freaking one hour!!
If you have car sick, god bless you. Better drop the idea of getting here, or anesthetize yourself before the journey starts.

Cameron Highland is not as cold as Genting Highland yet the weather is still chilly and pleasant!
You look at the greenish nature, relax and calm; unlike in Genting Highland, all you hear is the screaming and shrieking coz all you do is screaming and shrieking wtf.
Finally roses! Aren't they gorgeous?
Note that it was me who request first, ONLY he bought them. 不醒目!
Pathetically unromantic lol.
Anyway i was ultimately disappointed coz i expect to see a bloody field of roses, not one bouquet like this!! Maybe we really found the wrong place?
Heading to Cactus Valley!
Countless types of cactus!! *goosebumps*
i actually wanted to buy one lovely tiny cactus so i can bring it to hell land and place it on my table and pretend like i'm a nature-lover if people come to my room. But i deterred the idea in the end.
Afterall, they're just a bunch of over self-protective bitches lol. i just scared one day i might be stung by them.
Oklah at least this one is not annoying like others.
i told Uncle these look like "penis forest". HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Splendid colors!!!
Touristic picture! But then i looked short in the pic. And the pose is like so-not-fashion wtf.
Of course, it is one of the must-see attractions in Cameron Highland. And they're right!
No trip to Cameron Highland is complete without a trip to tea plantation.
tHe road to the tea garden is soooo terrifying! The size of the road can only fit one car at a time yet it was made for two ways. Crazy!
And you have to horn at the ghastly sharp corner to give alert just in case there's car coming in your direction. Coz you simply cannot see who is coming!
Truly spine-chilling. (O__O)"
Imagine i was in the car, busy admiring the breathtaking scenery while crying how horrible it is lol.
(Up there i still grumbled non-stop to uncle like "wtf we still need to go back. How are we going to go back?! we're gonna die. wtfwtf." i know i know, i super KIASI one. LOL)
But hey, I TOTALLY LOVE HERE! It's like, we're in heaven!!
Even the design of the building is so modern!
Tea Cafe where you can enjoy a superb astounding view whilst having cuppa.
By looking at this i know it's worthy to risk my life for getting here!
i actually bought some unique taste of teas from here happily and until one day i saw the exactly same one in Giant wtf.
TEA TIME!!!!!!
Homemade scone. Owh i miss this already.
Strawberry cake. Which is a wrong decision. =(
See me being '淑女' while filtering my tea. XD
i can spend a whole afternoon here, sipping a cup of hot tea and reading Harry Potter! The lord of the ring also can!
Ahhhh! (still in awe of the breathtaking view)
And we back! LUCKILY this time we followed behind a bus. Erm it doesn't sound right.
I mean, the bus escorting us lol.
Roses wanna breath the fresh highland air too.
So what's for dinner when you're in Cameron Highland??
Imagine having steaming hot stuff in the cold weather like this!! Happiness!!!!
Look at the huge portion! It's only for two person and cost RM38.
The soup is OMG soooo awesome! I like the tomyam flavor and you know i never like tomyam. But this is different. The spice is not choking in throat, but rather soothing i would say.
i wanna go back for this too!
Souvenirs from Uncle. ^^
Nah, this is the steamboat shop we choose, OK TUCK. Recommended from the website!
There's no nightlife in Cameron Highland. All the Cafes close at 10pm. Few bars can be found.
So we took a stroll around our guesthouse. That night is mesmerizing too coz i remember the sky was filled of starsss. <3
Next morning, checking out!
Our guesthouse, 8Mentigi. Google it!
The owner still owns another two guesthouse (Father's and Gerald's), which are the places i wanted to stay at first, but they're in renovation so... here would do!
Hair, Y U NO grow faster and longer?!
So, We're heading to a superb place for a luxurious BREAKFAST!!
How superb it is??
Ye Olde Smokehouse! Even the name of it sounds superb lol.
It's actually a hotel+restaurant designed in English cottage-style. So even you're not the patron of the hotel (fyi it's fucking expensive to stay here), you can choose to dine here as well!
i suggest to have high tea here! They have traditional English homemade scones and cakes and other savouries for tea time. Wah it's like you must have teatime everyday when you're at Cameron Highland lol.
But since we're leaving before the noon that day and we die die also must dine at here, the only option would be:breakfast!
Beautiful garden outside the building.
How to dine in such cozy ambience?!
Smile stiffly coz the meal ain't cheap at all. T__T
Homemade Marmalade and strawberry jam. The butter is nice too!!
Birds eating the leftover.
I must come here for their high tea next time!!! i heard they have outlet in Fraser Hill too!
Do we miss something?
The most favourite spot of all time: Strawberry Farm!!!
Ya, the rule is you must pluck the strawberries only consider you have visited Cameron Highland. LOL. So we also follow the tradition lah!
There are many strawberry farm you can find here. And we choose BIG RED Strawberry Farm because the web says it is the best and biggest farm. i'm such a gullible tourist wtf.
On the way there are many mouthwatering-looking pictures of desserts made by strawberries.
And we're like "i want this! I want that! this look terribly yummy!! omg can we eat first before plucking the strawberries?!" LOL. Gluttonous couple.
And we successfully resisted our eagerness and went to perform the typical tourist-plucking-strawberry mission wtf.
Reddish strawberries and yellowish me! =__="

And FINALLY!!!!!

Deng deng deng deng deng!!
Our strawberry waffles and fried strawberry ice cream!
There are still many choices namely strawberry and chocolate fondue (i want that!!!), strawberry scones (yea scone again), strawberry juice, cakes and everything that made of strawberries you can think of!
Oh yeah!
Look at our huge-ass strawberries!
Who said strawberries in Cameron Highland are getting smaller? You probably went at wrong season and you dumb shit don't even know how to find the big ones!
But if you choose to pluck the strawberries by yourself, it is far more expensive than buying the already-plucked one. Yea uncle said the fun of plucking is also counted in price wtf.
That's all for my
Another reason i love Malaysia more! #patriotic
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