Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Movie craps.

Yeahhh! Finally went to sing K bwahahahah!!! 

I was very boring yesterday and among the people I know who are free on gloomy Monday is nonetheless only JoJoChih (I'm very well-informed about her schedule now lol), so i called her.

Best part is, she dragged along her bestie Mayvay who owned a Redbox free one head voucher, AND free one jug of beer voucher! FABULOUS!!!
So in the end, we sang for like 6 hours until we kena halao by the staffs lol.
And know what? Each of us got to pay only RM15! Buffet included zomg!!! *SUPER satisfied*

Hundreds thankiew to Miss Mayway! Next time please bring me along don't care about JojoChih pleaaasseeee. *eyes filled with tears*

I've watched two good movies during the weekends

Okay, I won't be writing any synopsis here coz we have things like Google and Bing right?

"I felt it. Perfect. I'm perfect."

 There's always a bad girl living inside every good girl, an evil side hiding behind the innocence.
A little bit creepy, depressed but enjoyable at the same time.

"You're waiting for a train.
A train that will take you far away.
You can't be sure where it will take you.
But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together."

Many paradox are found in Inception. So i find it's quite interesting.
Keep contemplating and playing back to catch the scene i don't understand. Dream within a dream. Definitely worth to watch a couple times! 

So many good movies in 2011!  Happiness ♥♥♥

Anyway, it's time for me to look for a proper job. Ehshit.
I still work but most of the time I'm slacking in the house like a good-for-nothing wtf. (Remember i only work for 16 hours per week? But living like this for one whole month ain't fun. Le sigh.)

So here came the days i was leafing through the job advertisement in the newspaper, circling and crossing just exactly like the scene we usually see on the dramas. 
After cookies promoter and beer promoter, can i stop being any shit promoter!!!!

God, please drop the job from the sky please. Any jobs except promoter.

Take a leap of faith. Take a leap of faith.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sistas Foreva♥

Jess is freaking 21 nao!!!!!! OMG. Unbelievable right? Damn old.
You are able to do anything/everything legally in the world babe!
Time really flies. It also forces us to fly.

Reminiscing the day you and me went celebrating your 17th birthday at Délifrance after tuition from omega, it now feels like it was just yesterday.
You told me everything about you. I ooh-ed and wah-ed upon your stories like how you flied to here alone from Sabah and etc.
Seriously, you inspire me.  
I'm very happy coz the sistership of us never fade, and we were celebrating your so important 21st birthday together just two days ago. =) 

I'm so lazy to talk type so just let the pictures tell you everything can?

Birthday girl and the director lolx.

I think the flash did a good job right?

We felt naked without wearing make up! But still pretty la hor. tsktsktsk.

I never thought one day i'd be using 'funny' to describe you, yeecheung! You're simply awesome, and FUNNEH!!! hahahhah! Love ya.

Lurve the moments we hang out.
Make evil jokes on each other, roll our eyes, laugh out loud.

Lastly, photo of the day .... would be.....*hold your breath*



Vietnamese interviewed for the housemaid job. Rofl!!!

Dear Jess,

Being 21 is definitely not old. It's just another threshold to an adult life.
Be prepared, be excited.
Adventures await you to explore, unknowns await you to unravel.
But no matter what happen in the future, you have us to walk with.
I wish you getting more beautiful, be it physically or mentally.
And i'm very sure you will. =)

Sistas Foreva♥

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ma Bling Aise Creamo

Why ma hair looks fucking brown here?!?!

Okay the picture has got nothing to do with the title. Simply want to show off my getting-improved eyes make-up. ^^

I've been thinking about to bling again my aise creamo for hundreds years because all the crystals are dropping off!
She's crying for a new outfit all day long by suddenly shutting down. Her way of throwing tantrum wtf. Anyway, she's been good most of the time, at least.
So i think i should really treat her better.

I made this in 2009. WOW! Long time edy!!

This is not a 'blinging your cellphone' tutorial don't worry.
Coz i'm so lazy i'd just buy the stickers from citysquare and rearrange them, measure and cut, put them on. That's it! Damn easy wuey.
Everyone can bling nao!

This is what i bought. Bad thing of being lazy is you can't really design the pattern by your own. You gotta choose the stickers with pattern you like and the patterns you can find in market are really limited.

I was so excited to bling my phone that night I just couldn't wait until tomorrow morning!
By the time i finished the work it's already 3am! Memang rajin saya. XD







IT'S DONE! nice o not nice o not nice o not nice o not nice o not?!
(see i even used some pink rhinestones to decorate it.)

The front.

The back.

"Hello, i'm blinged aise creamo!"

And cam-whoring time!!!


Look i'm so busy. Sms+camwhore+listen mp3  at the same time lolx!!!

Hey ma phone is CHIO-er than yours.
SUCK IT UP babe!

Okay i'm not going to change ma cellphone anymore.
Aise creamo stay with me!!! Muarks

Check out Avril Lavigne's new album GOODBYE LULLABY.
And here's my fabourite of all, REMEMBER WHEN.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CNY@Berjaya Hills

Yes don't doubt your eyes I'm actually posting the CNY lolx!!! Procrastination is the worst enemy.

Hey I'm busy! I know some of you are already looking for gun to shoot me dead now bcuz i only work for FOUR hours each day and only FOUR days in each week. 
So the total is 16 hours every week! WOW not even a day! Damn busy.

Okay no more craps here. I'm busy going through all the application shits lately. You know, filling the form, choosing the courses, checking my qualification (dammit this is the most frustrating part bcuz they always make you feel like your result is a piece of shit), going to the school to verify stuffs, posting the documents and all that.
Thus put down your gun nao. See i'm not that free.

I've almost done. The rest i need to do is just waiting. Exactly like the saying goes "Man proposes, god disposes".

Which is why today i has all the time in the world to blog.

First of all, lemme introduce a little demon to you. Tell ya it she is not as cute as what you're looking now. Don't ever judge a child by its appearance. It always turns out to be a big mistake. You've been warned. Zun has learnt it by the way.

"Am i cute? My hobby is acting cute and eating people."

Somehow i have a feeling that she resembles me in some ways. She is bad-tempered. She doesn't cry alot, but she frowns alot.
A baby, frowns?
And she stares alot too wtf. She always stares at me because i would stare at her as well, with the angry look.
"What? You think i'll ever entertain you? You're wrong."

Apparently we don't like each other. Fine.

This year i back to Bera in Pahang where my father's siblings are living.
Well there's no skyscrapers or bustling city to be found here, even a cinema or shopping centre would take you an hour or two, except we have famous Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, Fraser's Hills and gunung Tahan in the state.
So basically, Pahang is a very boring place if you have no intend to visit those bukit and gunung.  

No I'm not being mean or what, but doesn't the girl in white look like mashimaro? XD

Ahha. She's my favourite toy. (Not my sister =.='')

But celebrating CNY at here is definitely way more fun than in Jaybeeee!!! 
Everywhere is overwhelmed in CNY atmosphere hahahha. 
Lookie the house decoration. So cny-ish!

Many fireworks in sight!

Many sumptous food were prepared to welcome you. This explain why i gained alot after cny.

Many ampaus to get. Best part!

Many cousins i like! ^^

And free hair treatment somemore omg.

But spending one whole week at kampung ain't fun anymore, especially when everyone started to go back to school and work. Argh.
Luckily, my dearest uncle saved me from dying of boredom. He brought us to BERJAYA HILLs where i've never been to nor heard of. I wasn't excited at first coz the place doesn't sound good at all just by hearing its name. Berjaya. *roll my eyes*

By the time we reached there, it's a different story. 

 I miss the cold fresh air owh. T.T

The main attraction here is Colmar Tropicale, a french-styled walking street with hotels, restaurants and shops. What impress me the most is they have maintained the buildings so well like it's somewhere newly launched.
But no! My uncle said the last time he was here is already the story of ten years ago. And nothing's changed much.

The clock tower.

Guess you should know what i mean nao. Everything looks so new right!

Honestly you have nothing much to do here but snapping a few photos. I don't see the reasons why people would bother to stay here for few days. Everything here is damn expensive ok!
Unless they are coming for 'special' motive like, erhem, bao er nai. Who knows? =X

Love my cam's pinhole effect!

Lonely bear.

Idk why i look so pale here.

With sister. Elder sister okay. I know i'm taller stronger and somehow muscular wtf.

There are free shuttles that transport visitors from the Colmar Tropicale to Japanese Village.
Yea, the Japanese Village.
LOL picture.

It's located in tropical rainforest. And if you ask me why it's called Japanese Village sorry i also don't know.
Certainly you will find some japanese-styled building and tea house inside the so-called village, but to really experience the japanese ambiance, definitely not here thanks. 

Well at least you can enjoy the greenery and serenity in the forest. Refreshing though.

So happy can die.

Where are my eyebrows wtf.

My lovely tang jie!! She is just few days older than me lolx.

By the time we left we're all starved! Fortunately there are MANY seafood restaurants at Kampung Bukit Tinggi nearby.
Food they served are oh-so unforgettable!!!

Love this vege max!!!!!!!

Fried rice is also heaven omg!

Conclusion, i'll be back ten years later as well hahahhah!
It's just unlike genting Highlands where you have alotof things to do. So once a decade is enough i guess?
Unless you're really going there for some special motive? XD

P.S. I'm leaving soon. 70% sure this time?