So, let's jump to the next stop first. Zun and me have planned to meet each other at KL after both of our class trips ended. Yea, for da christmas. I've taken the bus ride from Malacca to meet zun who was coming down from another direction, Lumut. And we naively think the distance of malacca-KL and lumut-KL is equal. Then it turns out that the latter is twice of the former. Blame our poor geography wtf.
Well, i have one companion with me so i wasn't
i tell you, i love my hair color in this picture!!! If only it could remain like this forever...
Reached Bukit Jalil. It's my first time to be there. Well i've heard it's used as a temporary bus terminal. But i didn't know being temporary means you built a tent like this lolx.
All i could recall is the scorching weather of KL!!! I was literally burning and melting while waiting zun for fucking two hours (attributed to our stupidity thx). So HOT!!! KL IS SO HOT! I was listening to my mp3 to distract myself from suffering the heat that seeped through my skin. As zun arrived with tangtonglek (yea she's got her companion too), the chair that i sat was already a wet. Ok my butt does sweat.
We set off to subang jaya, which was the place we're going to stay for the following days. Our friend -don't force me to spell his name- agreed to lend us his room. We do appreciate that!!! So we rested for awhile after the exhausting journey and decided to go sunway pyramid that night.
Zun booming her pictures with my cam when i off to bath. ==
Remember the tragedy i said i'd share with you? Here you go. By the time we siap dressing nicely, off the lights, stepping out the room, wearing our shoes. I pulled the knob, closed the door.
"Ei, you take key liao hor. "
We stared at each other in a short deathly silence.
Then the next second we had gone mad. wtf?!!!! In case you still don't get the idea, we actually left the room key inside the room, in other words we locked ourselves outside, at a place that was totally foreign to us! The room owner was at jb that time and we were too shameful to call him for help cuz we have already given him too much trouble. Just thinking back of the scenario i couldn't help but think we were just too ridiculous, with the way we dressed and trouble we made. The problem was solved anyway. We ended up staying overnight at a stranger's room. She is kind enough to let somebody she didn't know as well to sleep in her room omg. God must bless her!!! The agent would come on next morning, yea he got the spare key.
Our mood to go sunway pyramid was definitely spoilt. All we wanted so much that time was a spade, to dig a hole and bury ourselves alive wtf. We were so embarassed!!! We're on our way to go hawker centre nearby to meet Jess. I think we were lucky enough to have each other beside during that struggling moment otherwise we both could have gone to suicide.

Jess arrived after an hour. Zun and me were getting better right after jess appeared. She heard the story and was shocked at how LUNZUN we can be. Sorry we were shocked as you do. hahahh. She bought us little gifts - the ginger cookies! She also brought along her lappie for us cuz she knew we couldn't live without internet!
How sweet!!
Jess we love you just the same way you love singapore!!! LOLX!
Zun and me. In other people's room. We didn't have a brush. We didn't have anything with us but our petroleum-damaged brains wtf. 做鬼都不灵...
Even though the nice lady wouldn't be staying in her room that night, but i was too malu to even touch her bed so we slept on the floor instead. The strange thing was, i was on the bed next morning lolx.
Zun was chatting with verachong, if i'm not mistaken.
The next morning, agent came. Door was opened. Then we were happy as a lark again like nothing had happened. lolx.
Jess brought us to a restaurant named Uncle Sing/Seng whatever for breakfast. The noodles are so Q and yummy!!! Very nice!
Erm well, it's a trend, if you know what i mean. XD
I want it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we were heading to midvalley to meet HuiMin~
Zun using the pinhole effect.
Waiting for the train...
I have to admit that i really love ladies coach! It's so much comfortable and secure to just taking the ride with all female passengers. Unfortunately, the last day when i was in the ladies coach i was surrounded by FOUR freaking men wth? Are they illiterate or hormone-imbalanced? I'm not being fussy or anything, the thing is they were practically making disturbance to me. The malay guy that was sitting next to me kept on shaking his legs, NO, he was almost vibrating his whole body and i wasn't comfortable at all ok! I wanna keel all the men that were found in the ladies coach. Why they don't feel paiseh one?!
I'd give award to midvalley for the best decoration of X'mas. With all the giant bears and dolls and candies and toys, tell me who doesn't like them?
playing the 3D stuff lolx.
We have little snack at The Garden while waiting for huimin. Best mushroom soup i ever had! I wish i could try all the soup they have~ ♥♥♥
And finally, we met TanHuiMin!!! The lil chilli that we used to call, is now turning to a feminine beauty. Long curly hair, heels, make up and dress. See, people do change. She's the great example of all.
Lunch at Carl's Jr. They served huge burger. By huge i mean you could share one with at least three ladies and feed them all to the fullest.

Alright, after recharging, it's shopping time! Zun and me have to get ourselves the clubbing outfits. We were wondering what kind of clothes that people usually wear to clubbing. Well, it actually depends. It just doesn't have to be 'sexy', you know. Set your own pattern, put on your own style, cuz nobody's watching lolx.
We spent long hours in Topshop and i got myself one harem pants! It's only RM100 somthing!
I like my jacket too. ^^
We all bought the shirt that we were wearing in the picture lolx. Jess and me have the couple shirts somemore! ♥ And huimin was so funny here XDDDDD. *inside joke*
Jess and huimin insisted that we should try Zanmai sushi before we back to jb hahhah. i think they were right. Zun and me got pampered so much! We were spoilt ohNO!

Camwhoring while queueing up.
I miss their sashimi!!! ><" They just melted in your mouth~ ♥
Two of them playing ipad.
Tis one playing iphone.
Then night fell. After saying goodbye to huimin, we back subang~ I remember we were walking so fast from the ktm station like dono what siaolang. We actually just wanted to eat snowflake. XDDDD Then very suai lo, it was closed before we reached. Again!!! We were like so disappointed because everytime we want to eat, we just seem to have no fate wth?!
Next morning, we went to pavilion. Pavilion also got snowflake one! XD
Our breakfast!
We went on our clubwear-searching mission. But this time huimin wasn't around. And we kind of like, moodless? Hahhahha. First stop, Forever 21!
And finally, we were there for snowflake hahahhahah!!! See how happy we were. I think it's about the beeping UFO that made us so happy XD. Jess said the UFO could fly in the air when it's ready.
And i actually believed her craps wtf.
When it's ready, it would only vibrating and flashing. NOT flying.
Zun with her victorious smile.
We're trembling cuz it was so cold. XD
Kena photoboomed by an auntie behind. =3=
The next day wasn't really fun because we were all too tired to search for our clubbing outfits. Zun even thought of wearing her sneakers to go clubbing lolx. But she still got her heels at Timesquare while i got mine at Sungai wang. Ohyeah.
But we're still damn exhausted we secretly thought of not going to clubbing anymore (since it sounded like very terrible and horrible from huimin). But again, we knew Jess would break our necks for that.
Hey, my hair actually blended into the X'mas tree behind lolx.
Kena photoboomed by another auntie again... =皿=
Zun was choosing which hat she likes.
And she got it. lolx.
We met Joyin and back to subang together. She's going to clubbing with us whoohoo!!! We're all engrossed into making ourselves up. No clubbing photos here, you know where to find.
Third day, which was the morning after the X'mas countdown/clubbing, which was also the day zun&me back to JayBeee, we're all looked
We have our breakfast at nearby mamak shop.
Awful #1
Awful #2
Awful #3 (hahahahahha!!! see i very steady one i oni mosaic ma face. XD)
After the breakfast, we off to the carefour to buy mirror cuz the stupid zun broke the room owner one's. Then zun suggested to go for snowflake again before we left. So, we finally snowflaked at subang. XDDD We're addicted!
We packed our belongings, cleaned the room and left. Well, all i wanted to say is, thanks Jess!!! You are the best. We ♥ you!!! (we were so guilty cuz by counting how much you've done to us, and given to us, all we did to express our graditute was those Kiwi wtf. But we know friends don't count. We promise you to treat you Korean BBQ once you're in JB!!!)

"Friendship Forever."