okay. I think i screwed my trial papers fml.
i'm gonna blog about the things-i-will-do-after-stpm as the first post! It has been a while i started to do such thing. List down what i want to do, places i want to go, things i want to buy during the exam period. Especially when your brain has already been saturated by all the stupid biological terms and math formula and you simply couldn't move on, tons of ideas would just flush your mind and haunt you. So instead of memorising chemistry equations, i've put more effort into thinking all this shit throughout the exams. fuck!
1. Of course, a vacation with my form 6 classmates!
They're really awesome! All of them i mean. Funny, smart, intelligent, cool, straightforward, outspoken, mature, crazy.. It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!! When my spm was over and i was left with the last option that is doing stpm, i'm actually kind of like, dissapointed? My only urgent was to finish it and leave this hell asap. But not anymore after i met them. Maybe they're one of my comfort that, it isn't so bad as what i thought, that i still laugh alot even i'm here. At least this bunch of people are with me, going through all the tough period together. =)
Maybe we can go somewhere like national park or places that are close to natural since we're all bio students? lolx. Whatever, as long as we have somewhere to go. I really really hate northeast monsoon lor. It never fail to mess up people's trip one. Hellish monsoon go to hell lar walao!
2. Annual trip with zunzun. XD
Looking forward to this trip very much. It's always a brilliant idea to travel with your best buddy. Why? Because we can see eye to eye on many things, just by a gaze or by a simple move, you know what's going on on each other minds. There's nothing to care about like fear to hurt her feeling or stuff like that, especially on a trip where many disagreements can occur. Like you discover your friends' hidden/absurb habits "why you pee so often one?! Go to hell lah!" "Last night you snored so loud YOU KNOW NOT?!!" Only the best one can tahan all of them. XD
Mad women in the bus. ==
I remember last year zun followed me to my hometown, Setiawan. Then we headed to the north to visit our friends nikewee at Kampar and then moved back to KL to celebrate christmas with xiaoluan. So much fun!! Best christmas i ever had!!!
The concept of our annual trip is very simple, visit friends who are studying outstation and then stay in their houses to save budgets. lolx! This time we plan to go Seremban (hopefully!!!) Zun, can we go to clubbing when we reach KL this time? heheh.. *alcoholic relapse*
3. Dye my hair.
I thought this is a must for every school leavers? You know, leave the black hair forever. But so far i still cannot make up my mind which color i want,
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blonde? |
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red? |
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brown? |
4. Tattoo?
i wish i could. But tattoo is very very painful and I have no idea how much level i got for my pain tolerance. The thing is, i have chosen a most painful spot for it wtf,
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that is behind the ear. |
5. Spend more time with family
Alcohol night with dad for sure! And i swear i'd go jogging with him every sunday as long as i'm free. I'm also planning to go KL with mum and sister for our shopping trip too! Time together with family seems shorter now(sounds like i'm dying lolx). I just have a strong instinct that i'm gonna continue my studies in Sabah or Sarawak fml fml.
Daddy and mummy are getting older day by day. Their wrinkles their fast-growing grey hairs their downgrading memory and health sometimes just make me panic. I couldn't even bear to imagine the loneliness in their eyes once i leave the house. It has become my routine to scratch dad's back since i was very very young. He sometimes would ask for my sister's help too but i think he enjoys mine even more. Who could replace me when i'm not around? ..Recently i wanted to begin a healthy lifestyle with family so that even if i'm not home, they take care of themselves too. Yea, trying to instil some good habits to them. =) Always family first.
6. Learn cooking.
The most unlikely thing to be happened among the list. LOL! Hmm... we'll see.
7. Shopping list
If i really list them all down, you would have to scroll your mouse until you break your fingers. Because girls' shopping lists are always an infinity, there's NO END for it. Okay, the most urgent thing top of all i will purchase right after i step out from the exam hall is a semipro! Seriously i need a digital camera so badly NAO!
and also, a branded bra. *smile sheepishly*
I think it's time to pamper my breasts now since i'm already 19. Seriously, a good bra is essential for giving firm support, improve the shape and prevent sagging! So girls it is something that shoudn't be overlooked and neglected! And sure, a push-up bra would be much preferable. XD
Last but not the least, alot alot alot of clothes,,, teehhee..
8. Keep fit.
I want to go below 55kg! Or even better 50kg? Is it possible? I dono! my current weight is 55, which is kind of standard. But who the heck on earth would ever want a 'standard' weight? All the girls in the world obsess to be underweight ok!! Look at all the models, if they are really standard they're gonna pack their bags and go home to sleep. Frankly, this is a regular item that always appear in my list of things to do without exception wtf. When can i eliminate 'keep fit' from my list forever??! Answer is NEVER. Girls are live to keep fit. Yea, say we're insane cuz we just are~
I wanna wear sexy bikinis if i go 50!!!
9. Another dollhouse perhaps?
Yea, for another special person. Somemore my handcraft-buff fingers starting to feel itchy edy.
This is my first masterpiece! |
10. Brow shaping.
Fyi, I got a pair of miraculous triangle shape of eyebrows hahha. Okay, there's been a lot of people complaining about them, urging me to get rid of the triangles, for instance my mum. But positive comments existed too! Apparently jasmine is the only one who can really understand the beautifulness of it. LoLx! Unless you have fringe to hide your eyebrows, otherwise they can be very crucial for creating your overall appearance! Now only i realise that fml.
11. Improve my make-up skill.
I have just started to learn make-up beginning of this year. I've done quite a lot of homework by getting tutorials from variety of resources like youtube, magazine... and from friends! They are the best consultants who we can easily reach and always come with free! *wink* VeraChong had really shared her dozens of experiences with me and they are truly useful. As a beginner, there's a very high possibility we might get responds like "wtf you've done to your face?!" from people, but after few times of repeating trials, humiliation, practices, humiliation again, the situation would definitely get better. =) So, i'm still in the progress yeay~
At first, i thought being natural is fine cuz i always hold an obsolete perspective that make-up renders you to look older, and fake. But things are different after i was introduced to Xiaxue's blog. I'm totally inspired by her that "If there's a way to make you look prettier and more confident, why not?" see how influential she is. I'm a convert since then. =)
12. Novels.
Gonna read tons of novels. I have a loooong booklist i hafta catch up!
13. Rewatch prison break.
Or in other words, rewatch Micheal Scofield. LOLX!
If you still don't get attracted by Wentworth Miller after watching all the episodes, you must be a nerd or some kind of gene-mutated weirdo. Put Miller asides, the story is fantastic and nerve-wrecking enough to let you forget your breath. Must watch!!!
14. Getting a HIGH-PAYING job.
No money no talk. I will have almost half a year of holidays before enrolling in university. I dono, maybe i can work in singapore since they now have universal studios and Marina Bay Sands Casino. The salary is doubled up wow! I can finally use money to stuff people's mouth. XD
15. Learn a new language.
We all know the korean wave is sweeping throughout all Asian countries nowadays like a storm. Their entertainment has grown its popularity even me couldn't hold myself from falling into this trend. I was introduced to some nice korean dramas (原来是美男啊) and awesome artists (eg:bigbang, 2ne1, 2AM, FT island, superjunior etc etc) and i think their charisma just struck me! I'm going to the coming soon Kpop concert in Sg with jojo and cindy! Woot! I'm so greatly influenced by them now... That's why i want to learn Korean!! =)
Here some simple basic korean:
Hello (when picking up the phone).
Thank you.
[Mianhamnida. (Joesong-hamnida.)]
Hwaiting!! Hiak hiak! ^^
16. Make a lomowall.
17. SnapSnapSnap nonstop!!
I should take my lomo cameras out and let them breath some fresh air. owh my fisheye and diana mini, how long they didn't expose to the sunlights already! i shouldn't abandon them for almost ONE year! Never again. Must take them go out along with me wherever i go!!! Promiseee!
18. Complete the swimming lesson for Lumsinman.
Since i'll get a free lunch. So this is one of the must-fulfill mission as well. teehee.
19. Teeth scaling and flossing.
My friends suspect me having a not-yet-growing-out wisdom tooth. Will check with dentist soon.
20. Read news EVERYDAY.
This probably the last post before my stpm lolx! Wish my luck!! Fighting!